• 6 Holes Foldable Plastic Drink Carrier - 6 Holes Foldable Plastic Drink Carrier - Image 0 of 0
  • 6 Holes Foldable Plastic Drink Carrier 6 Holes Foldable Plastic Drink Carrier
    6 Holes Foldable Plastic Drink Carrier 6 Holes Foldable Plastic Drink Carrier

6 Holes Foldable Plastic Drink Carrier


Easily carry a six pack of takeout coffees, cans, bottles or other types of beverages in this convenient carrier. Made of high-quality plastic, this 11.7" x 6.24" x 10.14" frame has a collapsible design with six holes, a bottom support frame and a long carrying handle. Available in 2.7", 3.1" or 3.5" diameter holes to accommodate all different kinds of containers. Available in assorted colors. Add your organizational or company logo or message to customize.


Black, Blue, Red

Price from $5.50 - $16.583

Pricing and Charges
Quantity Price Per Unit 100 -499 $16.583 500 -999 $8.833 1000 -4999 $8.083 5000 -9999 $6.50 10000 + $5.50

Price Includes: one color imprint, one location

Imprint Charges Price
Set-up Charge - Silkscreen
Sample Charge - Silkscreen